Planned giving for the future creates a legacy for you and your family, and notes your commitment to preserving Branford’s natural resources. Consider:

Will or Living Trust
Name the Branford Land Trust in your will or living trust to be distributed after your lifetime. Please notify us if you have established a provision in your will, so we can give you proper recognition.

Individual Retirement Accounts
Name the Trust as the beneficiary of your individual retirement account or deferred benefit plan. Upon death, the account will pass directly to the Trust and avoid income and estate taxes for your heirs.

Life Insurance
Consider naming the Trust as beneficiary for a policy no longer needed for your family. Or purchase one directly to benefit the Trust; premiums can be considered a charitable deduction for income tax purposes.

Life-Income Funds
By investing funds into a charitable remainder trust or annuity, you or a family member is provided with income during your lifetime and the Trust will receive a delayed gift of principal. This can provide income and estate tax benefits.

For more information,  email us and a Land Trust representative will contact you.


View from the Jarvis Creek Preserve. Photo by Clare Hambly.