Sound property management practices are critical for the protection of land that we hold in trust for the public good. We must monitor the physical status of our land or wetland parcels to insure that the purposes of the donor, as indicated in the deed or contract, are being honored. We must also monitor to insure that our property rights are not being violated by unauthorized uses. Finally, property management fulfills a moral obligation to maintain our property in a natural state and prevent degradation. Our ability to meet property management objectives depends on volunteer Tract Stewards who are the cornerstone of our program and play a crucial role in the BLT’s management and protection of the land entrusted to it for public enjoyment. In addition to our Tract Steward program, work parties are scheduled to accomplish property management goals where larger efforts are needed. These are publicized in the web site calendar and in the newsletter. If you are interested in assisting in our efforts, please email us. We look forward to hearing from you!

• View the BLT’s Property Use Guidelines

Mowing the field at Van Wie Woods.