The Branford Land Trust is accredited by the Land Trust Alliance Accreditation Commission
Accreditation is awarded to land trusts meeting the highest national standards for excellence and conservation permanence and it is with great pride that Branford Land Trust displays the accreditation seal.
The rigorous accreditation process assures landowners and donors that land transactions will be professionally managed, any public funding will be properly spent, and the property will be appropriately stewarded long-term. The accreditation seal is a mark of distinction, and being accredited helps a land trust to stand out, to say to landowners, funders and other supporters: “Invest in us. We have proven we are a strong, effective organization you can trust to conserve your land forever.”

Accreditation also helps the land trust community maintain the trust of Congress, the Internal Revenue Service, and the public. Being accredited also provides a number of tangible benefits including eligibility for Conservation Defense Liability Insurance, as well as Directors and Officers insurance, and access to numerous trainings, publications, expert consultation and technical support. We connect regularly with our Land Trust Alliance contacts at the state, regional and national level. The organization has been critical in helping us resolve numerous legal and ethical challenges with land transactions.
Every five years accredited land trusts must participate in a six-month long renewal process that examines transactions, stewardship, organizational governance and financial systems.
For more, watch the video below.