Did you know there is a native euonymus that is a ringer for the invasive burning bush euonymus? Staghorn sumac looks very much like trees of heaven. There actually is a native phragmites.
This guide, Mistaken Identity: Invasive Plants and their Native Look-Alikes, gives a quick, easy way to tell invasive and look-alikes apart. Also, it has tips on how to rid yourself of the invasives. It was published by the Delaware Department of Agriculture, 2008.
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While some invasive plants are distinctive and easily recognized, many others are difficult to distinguish from one or more species of our native flora. For landowners, managers, and the general public, identifying confusing invasive plants can be extremely difficult. While many existing publications include identification tips, none present a complete side-by-side, illustrated comparison of the key characters needed to confirm identification. This guide fills a need for a regional photographic guide to a broad selection of invasive plants that are often confused with similar native look-alikes.
• CLICK HERE to read Mistaken Identity: Invasive Plants and their Native Look-Alikes now.
Submitted by Gaile Ramey
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