Branford Land Trust Spring Equinox Walk

Shake off the winter cobwebs and stretch your legs to mark the Spring Equinox with a Branford Land Trust walk at the Stony Creek Quarry Preserve on Saturday, March 22, 2 p.m. (Rain date, March 23) We will meet afterwards at Thimble Island Brewery for food/drinks to celebrate the days starting to become longer than the nights.

Choose from a longer 3.8 mile walk or a shorter one of 1.6 miles exploring the eastern side of the Stony Creek Quarry Preserve, land bought by the town with the support of the Branford Land Trust in 1977. With extensive wetlands, streams, and towering ridgelines, as well as remnants of quarry days long-gone, the Stony Creek Quarry Preserve offers one of the most dramatic and secluded walks in town. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to reconnect with nature and enjoy the beautiful scenery!

Meet at the Quarry Road parking lot. Coming from Branford on Rt 146, take a left on Quarry Road and park in the lot on your right just after the road becomes unpaved and before the entrance to the Stony Creek Quarry.

The event is free and open to the public. Duration: 2-3 hours. Families are welcome, but no dogs, please. Please wear appropriate clothes and comfortable, supportive walking shoes. Expect moderate terrain, with muddy or rocky underfooting in places, and some steep declines and inclines on the longer walk. Bring water. Walking sticks are welcome.

Photos by Clare Hambly